Oral History of Verabel Call Knudson

Oral History

Alternate Identifier:MS 10
1899 – 1985
Interview date:October 15 1985 Interviewer:Kathy Bradford
Discussion of early Brigham City businesses and lifestyle, includes personal and family history. She recalled businesses operating on both sides of Main Street during her childhood, including the Box Elder Academy of Music and Dance with open air arches on the ground floor and and a dance floor on the upper level. James Knudson's home-made ice cream parlor next door to the Academy was the first ice cream business in town. She mentioned dramatic productions in the Opera House, the bell in the Courthouse tower used to summon the Fire Department, riding in a surrey, seeing her first car, bathing in a tin tub in the kitchen. Verabel and her husband Perc Knudson started the Idle Isle Restaurant and candy business in 1921 and operated the business until 1974. She discussed WWII years, Bushnell Hospital, the influx of people many of whom boarded with local citizens. The Knudsons had up to 20 boarders in their home and fed hospital patients at the Idle Isle.
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Audio of Verabel Call Knudson Oral History;https://archive.org/details/VerabelCallKnudsonOralHistory business;Bushnell Hospital